About Container Creation Consulting Services

Being in Systems assists our Client’s to design and convene programs and events which incorporate emergent experiential enhancement for program participants, in service to increasing attendee engagement, attendance, and derived value.

BIS’ experiential augmentation and enhancement practices have proven to bring teams and organizations to a higher level of engagement that increases realization of maximum generative potential in collaborative endeavors.

The creation of a “Container” within which a “holding” of the space for program or event attendees is essential to enable truly emergent sharing and exchange, within participant driven conversations.

Safe spaces for profound dialogues rooted in powerful human connection, that enable the art of deep listening and authentic expression, are virtually non-existent within today’s small or large, complex, and efficiency-centered organizations.

The time and attention necessary for thoughtful and deep conversation, if effectively integrated into the existing operations, can exponentially enhance individual and collective engagement, collaboration, innovation, and generative potential.

How do we enable our Client’s to create and hold space for profound conversations and interactive programs to happen?

BIS’s Container Creation Advisory Services help your organization to fully implement, and run experientially enhanced programs, supported by trained BIS Certified Space Holders.

What are some of the steps and outcomes that this process involves?

A co-creative collaborative team is drawn from the Client’s people. BIS works with that team, supporting the team’s design of the Program to be offered.

For each Program, a minimum of two Certified Space Holders are integrated to create the energy and space, as a “Container,” that can then support the needs and generative potential of the attendees, and serve the purpose of the Program creators.

The qualitative emergent experiential effect generated by the BIS Program design and practice can be applied on a stand-alone programmatic basis, or integrated into pre-existing Program offerings, as an experiential Program enhancement.

BIS provides Container Creation Consulting Services on a time and materials basis. BIS also provides Space Holder training and Certification services, within a BIS Program Licensing structure.