The Being in Systems partnership emerged from one of its co-founders, Doug Breitbart. Doug’s initial inspiration was drawn from his facilitation of Enlivening Edge’s Community Conversations. Doug said,

“I have met an amazing number of very talented, creative and innovative people, all engaged in amazing endeavors in the world. I felt, “what would it be like to bring all of these people together, each with their respective wisdom, talents, and abilities to explore collaborative possibilities and what could collectively be brought to the world of business and organizational transformation. The one unique common energy, projected by each of the eight initial invitees was, “How can I be of service to the world?”

Over the following eighteen months, this initial gathering embarked on a journey of exploration, and deep introspection. Over time, the forging of a crystal clear, co-created, values aligned, and human-centered vision emerged for how BIS could contribute and be of service to the transformation of human co-creative organizations, and the world to which they contribute.

The values, purpose, and service offerings of BIS, which are lived by its Partners are rooted in the importance of reintegrating the lived, embodied, emergent, and experiential dimensions of humans’ being-ness into human co-creative generative endeavor.

We believe our greatest generative contribution, individually and collectively, is in service to our clients; but more importantly, to the human beings who comprise their organization.  The key to the realization of the true organizational generative potential, is found in the collective passion, connection, and engagement of the human beings that comprise the organization to its purpose.