Enlivening Edge

Enlivening Edge is an international community of collaborators and Partners drawn together to nourish the growing ecosystem of Next-Stage (including Teal) organizations. EE has been interwoven into a global vanguard of people and organizations transforming their workplaces for the benefit of all.

The Enlivening Edge Community Conversations (EECC) were created by Will in 2016. Will had extensive experience in group facilitation yet he was intrigued by the opportunity for hosting online world wide video conversations for the Enlivening Edge community. Having learned and facilitated Peter Block’s community conversations, he used that as initial inspiration for the EE Community Conversations.  As an inaugural attendee, Doug joined the hosting team, and together they have evolved the Community Conversations as currently offered.

As Being In System Space Holders, Will and Doug’s intention, in service to EE’s stated goals and purpose, was to create conversational containers and events that:

• Provide a safe place for people to connect with each other that enables deep connections, a sense of belonging, and individual empowerment to share;

• Provide an opportunity for networking and collaboration with others of their tribe.

• Offers support to people actively exploring or interested in Teal consciousness, Reinventing Organizations, and next-stage organizations.

• Co-create an environment that is inspiring and of high value to all participants; and,

• Facilitate awareness of the social ecosystem of the transformation movement, of which EE and BIS are members, in service to providing greater collective coordination and impact.

Over 2,000 participants from all over the world have attended these Conversations since launch. Many express gratitude and appreciation for being able to share, be heard, engage in “Teal” conversations, and experience belonging to a network of others similarly engaged. Additionally, many new collaborative projects have been born from these sessions.

BIS hosts two conversations each month for Enlivening Edge. The first Thursday of each month: “Stories from the Enlivened Edge” in a 90 minute format, with a presentation, breakout room discussions, and collective sharing. The third Thursday of each month is “Connecting for Synergy.” For two hours the group contemplates two deep questions about inner and outer aspects of participant’s work as change-makers, featuring intimate one-on-one breakout sessions, and group sharings.