A fresh approach to birthing and engaging in any collaborative endeavor
Whether a start-up, early stage venture, or in-house venture incubator within a large global enterprise, our Emergent Entrepreneurship service affords the founders, partners, or members a unique alternative orientation and approach to new venture development.
Rather than the traditional: structures, governance, roles, and responsibilities; the Emergent Entrepreneurship practice is a discovery driven, organic, and intrinsically fluid and adaptive living approach to the entrepreneurial endeavor.
Emergent Entrepreneurship's core principles are: generative inquiry and consent based decision making, rooted in present moment identification of and responsiveness to emergent needs.
Rather than the traditional: structures, governance, roles, and responsibilities; the Emergent Entrepreneurship practice is a discovery driven, organic, and intrinsically fluid and adaptive living approach to the entrepreneurial endeavor.
Emergent Entrepreneurship's core principles are: generative inquiry and consent based decision making, rooted in present moment identification of and responsiveness to emergent needs.
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