When was the last time you experienced joy at work?
Your organization is a living organism, comprised of your people, co-creating together.
Regardless of your: offering, market, industry, competition, or the
state of the world;
It is your people
that make it happen every day.
state of the world;
It is your people
that make it happen every day.
A critical question you can ask
in service to your organization, and the challenges it faces is:
Do my people experience joy in their work?
in service to your organization, and the challenges it faces is:
Do my people experience joy in their work?
Why this focus on joy?
Joy is the product of human beings'
realization of their greatest creative and generative potential
in service to a collective purpose.
realization of their greatest creative and generative potential
in service to a collective purpose.
We are not talking about joy as some kumbaya-sitting-around-the-campfire-special-team-experience
outside of the normal working day, place, and flow. We are talking about joy as an authentic lived experience, felt by every single person as a contributor to the purpose of the living organism. It is the lifeblood of your organization.
outside of the normal working day, place, and flow. We are talking about joy as an authentic lived experience, felt by every single person as a contributor to the purpose of the living organism. It is the lifeblood of your organization.
By enhancing people's engagement with their work, and connection to each other, we catalyze extraordinary organizational transformation.
Awaken the heart and nourish the fire in your people;
and, enable your organization
to fulfill its greatest generative purpose and contribution.
and, enable your organization
to fulfill its greatest generative purpose and contribution.